Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Never Surrender Never Forget

Today in New York we seen an intense display of emotion from the victims families in NYC. The new memorial there is very beautiful and captures the sentiment just right. There on the 13 acres of land lies a very true and ghastly memory of a tragic day in American History. Sixxer offers sincere condolences to those Americans and their families. Bus driver Bob will be cruising around a flag on the shiny yellow school bus

today in their memory. It's days like this that makes us Americans stand proud that those lives lost have become a symbol of resilience and honor. The shiny yellow school bus will be guiding super students over to an area in our store where you can fuel your patriotism today. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of you wonderful clicks

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple

Wow what a career to have come to a close eh students? Geez, there is so much to be said about this legendary computer guru. He is stepping down on top of the game. Macintosh is such a staple when you think of reliability. When bus driver bob slaps on the iconic white apple bumper sticker on the shiny yellow school bus today, Bob will give out apple logo pens to students as they cruise over to savings. When it comes to being a techie there is no greater nerd than this man and we sure hope to see his empire thrive and eradicate all the evil on the planet. The promises of the apple technology of the future will quite assuredly get students more and more prepared as we see the wonderful possibilities that the future holds. The shiny yellow school bus will pay homage to a job well done by Steve getting students over to our featured store gem. As always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks. = )

Monday, August 8, 2011

What an intense time for Wall Street

So the Dow Jones took a serious dive in the financial markets today.
Suffering its worst day since the 2008 financial crisis, as fearful investors reacted to the United States losing its prestigious triple A credit rating. All three major U.S. stock indexes sank between five and seven percent, pushing the Dow below eleven thousand for the first time since last November. Overall, stocks have fallen fifteen percent during the past two weeks. Yikes students when it comes to buying and selling stock it really is important that you are prepared for the peaks and the valleys and this valley is surely one noticeable dip. Investments are tricky. The shiny yellow school bus will have to put conservation on the front burners as a result of the turmoil, however bus driver Bob will be guiding students to an instrument that will assist with keeping an eye on the crisis. When you are using one of these in the shiny yellow school bus, your student work gets accomplished with ease. As always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Friday, August 5, 2011

So it was announced last week that Apple has more money than the Federal Reserve

Holy smokes students an interesting and incredible fact just crossed our desks here at Sixxer's Super Site.
According to a statement from the U.S. Treasury issued at the end of last month, the government had an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion at the end of the day on Jul.27th while
Apple's last earnings report showed that the company had $76.2 billion in cash and marketable securities at the end of June. What this means to us, is that the world's largest tech company has more cash than the world's largest sovereign government. Bus driver Bob explains that Apple collects more money than it spends, while the U.S. government does not. Today the shiny yellow school bus will celebrate that milestone with guiding students to a product that keeps your favorite apple product by your side comfortably and with a shockingly low price tag. The shiny yellow school bus gets students to the products that seem to go hand in hand with others and work complimentary to your lifestyle. AS always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deadline for Debt Ceiling Legislature

Wow students it's coming right down to the wire with our elected officials. The United States House of Representatives voted in a deal to raise the Government's Debt ceiling yesterday and it is to go to the U.S. Senate

for a vote today narrowly meeting the deadline for such a deal to be ratified into law. Talk about a squeeker eh students. Well as that is going on, let our reliable shiny yellow school bus get you over to where you can find preparedness around every corner of the store for just such emergencies. Since the budget is on the top of everyone's mind, you will breathe a bit easier knowing the shiny yellow school bus will be sure to keep your budget in tact. Here at Sixxer's Super Site we are confident in our government to keep our great country on course and as our resilience is noticed both here and abroad, our thriving student hub will keep you in the game as you assist the nation in your own student ways retain the status as a leader of liberty and justice for everyone. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our country's government really seems to be in the thick of it

So as our debt ceiling is needing a raise like most Americans as of late, Sixxer's Super Site is pretending as we are this last day of July, getting that raise right to you. We here at the web's favorite student store would like to gain this reputation of preparing students while simultaneously saving them money. We think that with all the momentum the store has been seeing as of late, that the number crunching thing is going to turn in favor of lower price tags throughout. The shiny yellow school bus will be cruising our super students over to where they can make their summer's polishing tasks a bit easier. Bus driver Bob uses these on the shiny yellow school bus all the time. Sixxer now has added a staff member that is fine tuning the wheels of your favorite student store so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for exciting improvements in the very near future. As always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Have you gotten out to the beach this summer yet students?

The weather has been absolutely perfect for the sand, seagulls, waves, kelp, hardbodies, and bronzing skin. Sixxer just enjoyed a day at the beach and drinking in the sun and fun was quite a refreshing experience. With the waves crashing and the cool water up to his chin with yet another wave on the way, Sixxer noticed a wayward fish swimming nearby. Gosh nature provides such spectacles at times eh students? Last outing in the ocean it was a jellyfish. So yeah, getting out to the beach should always be something students should do with caution. The shiny yellow school bus will be taking students over to our first aid kit of choice

here at the web's favorite student store. Although the need didn't arrive for Sixxer to seek medical attention, he was reminded of just how important it is to be prepared for an impending emergency. Even bus driver Bob has one of these under the seat in the shiny yellow school bus in case of a student needing aid. Be prepared and in the moment students, even in the case of an emergency. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saddened by the curse of the 27

Today the music world loss the London songbird Amy Winehouse.

She is amongst the following notable celebrities to go at such a young age,Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones, and Nirvana's front man Kurt Cobain. Amy's appearance on the David Letterman Show in 2007 seemed to reveal a sober, well tuned vocalist and it's surely sad when behind the scenes things aren't quite right. Bus driver Bob used to play her cd's in the shiny yellow school bus while in route to picking up prepared students to bring them to the web's favorite student store. "Cruising to those melodies were an important part of my day" claims Bob, "I for one will say how sad to hear about the news. And add that one should never take life for granted." Driving the shiny yellow school bus to the tunes of Amy Winehouse was tough for Bob and he say's he will stay with the tradition in her memory. As always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy to report traffic is running smoothly again!!!

Whew! That was quite a scare with us motorists here in LA LA land. The busiest freeway in the state locked out and gridlocked for an entire weekend. OM-Goodness. Due to the heroics of the Cal Trans transit workers the down time was kept to a minimum. Car-ma-geddon not so much of a geddon after all. A 10-mile piece of the 405 almost ensuring high tempers and road rage would surely grip the Southland. But like it is written we are the "city of Angels" who were certainly in full presence looking over the project. Bus driver Bob took a few detours as the construction project was underway but to his surprise he was able to use the on-ramp he is accustomed to using there in Sherman Oaks on the return trip. The swiftness of the crew is now known as — “a historic moment” in traffic history, as it was over 17 hours ahead of schedule. Even our air became healthier as pollution and smog levels dropped. And since the shiny yellow school bus has saved on gas we will be forwarding the savings to our students. With the blockbuster movies blowing up Los Angeles and whatnot with CGI technology, it is refreshing to see my hometown actually swept up and the shiny yellow school bus cruising proudly in it's quest to get that additional student prepared and in the moment in the classroom. Crisis diverted students. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Uh oh there is talk of shutting down a very busy freeway in Los Angeles

So students the talk of the town here in Los Angeles is this weekend's closure of the busiest freeway in all of California, the 405 freeway.

Yes it is going to be really interesting how the public is going to react to the situation. It is apparently for an upgrade that the highway is needing so Angelino's will have to really bite the bullet as the crews do what they need to do to rock the job out. The shiny yellow school bus is known to occasionally travel that route so this weekend we will have to consult the student store item that pulls this detour out of the hat with ease. Bus driver Bob says he has never seen anything like this in all his twenty plus years of driving. The shiny yellow school bus may just find this weekend that while it's taking different routes to it's destination that it may just attract the attention of that one additional student that hasn't heard yet of the web's favorite student store. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tomorrow is the the big day students!!!

The sale tomorrow is going to be preparing students everywhere and saving big bucks in the process. Super students across the nation are in store for a 4th of July sale that is going to be as fantastic as the rocket's red glare throughout the land. Be sure to be safe out there students and enjoy the freedom of the nation in a sane manner.

The shiny yellow school bus has to be extra cautious as there are those few drinking drivers out there being a bit on the wreckless side of life according to the statistics. When you see the shiny yellow school bus on the road out there students be sure to hold up a peace sign to indicate to bust driver bob that you are perfectly sober and in control on the road k students. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Forth of July now right around the corner!!!

America's independence day celebrations are coming around and the stars and stripes are found everywhere now. Students enjoy this time of year. Not only because it accounts for a three day weekends, but also the popping, clapping, and sparkling of the evenings's greatest displays of lights on the planet. Here at the web's favorite student store we are all festive and getting our shiny yellow school bus has been a blast. Bus driver Bob draped streamers from the front to the back of the interior. The shiny yellow school busnow looks super hip in a 1776 sorta way! As always students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Forth of July Sale

You know us by now students how we enjoy getting savings to students as much as possible. Our country's independence day is fast approaching and we feel it would be appropriate to pull out all the stops as we did last year with regards to passing fantastic savings to our awesome super students. The shiny yellow school bus gets to cruise our fabulous super students over to yet another new product that blows fellow students away and turns heads all over the campus. Yes students, just because you are in summer school doesn't mean you have to miss out on great items to tote around. That's why when you climb aboard our shiny yellow school bus you will be thanking bus drive Bob for the trip, being that you are finding yourself more prepared and in the moment than ever. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks = ) !!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Last day of our Father's Day Weekend Sale!

Yeah we treated that one like a three day Holiday and we see that the last day of the sale is also the last day of the Spring.

So as the the Summer comes around tomorrow students, notice also the deals around the web's favorite student store will be heating up as well. We like it when our students are getting prepared and saving money at the same time. Get to know your student store better this week students as the shiny yellow school bus will be taking y'all over to a new store item for the rest of the month. As mentioned we are stocking shelves like crazy here and the new product line is a big hit right out of the gates we are noticing. The shiny yellow school bus navigated by our favorite drive bus driver Bob should prove to thrill you during the arrival of the new merchandise. So as spring fever comes to a close and another sunny summertime arrives, be sure to get yourselves equipped for all those classroom activities. Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day Students

Alright now that Dad's day

has finally arrived, be sure to take advantage of student preparedness items on sale throughout the web's favorite student store. The shiny yellow school bus today will get to the sweet spot of the merchandise here that get's most students enthused about the coming semester, and in some cases, thrilled with the current one. The shiny yellow school bus likes being driven through the sales of our fabulous site because it gets to test the hinges on the doors with all that in and out action it is seeing getting students prepared at remarkable prices. Thanks students for making Father's Day, one of savings and good cheer. And thank you Dad for all the little things you do. As always, Sixxer thanks his dad, your dad, and all of you for your wonderful "Father's Day" clicks!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We lost a legend today

Our condolences to the E-Street Band for losing one of it's most prominent members today.

His contribution to the music has been inspirational upbeat and just plain fantastic. When Bruce Springsteen and the E-street band selected his talent in the band they knocked it out of the park. The shiny yellow school bus used to crank his tunes all the way to campus some days and the students on board would bop their heads and rock all the way to school. C.C. a.k.a. the Big Man - was the force behind the E Street Band including the larger than life tunes,"Born To Run," "Thunder Road," "Jungleland," "Dancing In The Dark," "Badlands" and "The Promised Land." This tragic loss marks the end of an era of rich, soulful textures that shaped Springsteen's music for over three decades. This day the shiny yellow school bus item, a brand new one to the store is dedicated to that sound that yielded smile upon smile to the sea of faces on the other side of the saxophone and amplifier. Thanks for your fantastic notes, Big Man, you shall be missed. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Tomorrow's the big day students!!!

Yep, the savings begin early tomorrow and continue clear on through to midnight Monday.

Father's everywhere are going to be pleased with the savings they experience, some through their siblings, others through their spouses and even through other channels of prepared students. The store is starting to stock its shelves like crazy getting that certain product you are looking for in the classroom into your hot little hands. The shiny yellow school bus would like to introduce you to one of the newest products and will continue to get you students what you need. The shiny yellow school bus is always a good guide for students and this weekend supplying students is gonna be wild. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Announcing Sixxer's Super Site's Father's Day Weekend Sale

What we held for one day last year, we will expand to an entire weekend. What a great time to stock up on your preparedness item of choice. Sixxer's Super Site's Fathers Day Weekend sale is hosting amazing savings. Whether you select our shiny yellow school bus item or not, you will be well on your way to impressing your teachers and/or fellow students alike when school is back in session. Next weekend is a good time to ride the shiny yellow school bus also not only to get involved with all the savings you were looking for but to see new the new products being stocked on the shelving over here!!! And as always, Sixxer thanks you for your wonderful clicks.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Don't follow the path students, make them!

Important when you are a student to look at things from all different directions. When you are a student, it is required that you learn lessons that are on a path fueled by uniformity that treats you as drones only as students it is okay to look at things from all angles. Making new paths for ourselves are often those that stands out to your peers,friends, faculty and relatives. When you are carving out your own path you create a route to greatness. Speaking of paths, the shiny yellow school bus will be leading students over to the our products page today as we feel it is the best start of the path to equipping your student arsenal with the preparedness items that are utilized when you are in the front and center of the action striving for that perfect grade. The shiny yellow school bus gets students to important areas in the web's favorite student store because it is important that students are front and center when it comes to being on the winning side of things. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Very enjoyable French Open

Everyone here a Sixxer's Super Site is well aware that Sixxer is a huge tennis fan. The French Open, that was taking place at Roland Garros, a stone’s throw away from the

Arc de Triomphe (Arch of Triumph), was played with great valor. An interesting fact about this commemorative landmark to note, is that at the top of the arch, there are 30 shields, each of them bears the name of one of Napoleon's successful battles. Sixxer and his team too has battles to speak of, with the creation of and upkeep of the web's favorite student store. However the challenge is well worth the little victories we experience here. When bus driver Bob sat down with Sixxer to view the tennis tournament that Rafael Nadal of Spain for the mens draw, and Na Li of China for the women's (who was actually the first Asian in history to accomplish the feat), respectively emerged as victors, he said "hey, that's what we should do,we should guide students this week in the shiny yellow school bus over to the section of the store that hosts a great spectator item for outdoor tournaments." Sixxer agreed and authorized the path. Preparing students for their complex lives is not something that is new to us here, so when the shiny yellow school bus treks students to their certain preparedness item we feel prideful of getting the job done with quality and speed. Our customer service is great and we value each and every one of our super students. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get it while it's hot!

Hey so here we are approaching summer, with the web's favorite student store well on it's way to summer fun and excitement. Just in time for all the festivities, we have the newest school bus gazette installment on the cyber-shelf. That's right students, when you need good solid student guidance our monthly student publication with all it's insight, is a sure fire winner when it comes right down to addressing the needs of super students. The shiny yellow school bus will cruise you on over to newsletter and wishes to add the reminder that you don't necessarily have to visit the site in order to be aware of the School Bus Gazette's contents. If you are to pay a visit to the student registration page and provide your name and email address our way you can have the scholarly document arriving in your inbox's on a monthly basis, right when they "drop" (as the kids say). The shiny yellow school bus,s driver Bob, and staff, enjoys it when students get over to the student store's rag and read what's new. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sixxer's Super Site's 2nd Annual Memorial Day Weekend Sale

Here it is students; our annual Memorial Day Weekend sale has finally arrived.
It is a busy time here at the Web's favorite student store. Bus driver Bob has been putting in overtime getting students to stock their book bags, dorms, and club houses with the merchandise that turns heads as they get the recognition worthy of a super student. The shiny yellow school bus this time around is going to zap students over to the one item that we feel should sell best here at the student store's Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
If it does not, we will be continuing the sale on it for the remainder of the week. So what we are saying is that our consensus shows that it should be the biggest selling product, but if Sixxer's Super Staff is proved wrong, the featured item that our shiny yellow school bus takes you to today will remain on sale until Monday June 6th. This experiment will be the first of many that we will experiment with the site so we can really get a grasp about what it is that our students are after. So as we celebrate our fallen soldiers this Memorial Day in the form of picnics and barbecue's at the park or backyards throughout our great nation, be sure to get that computer time in and as always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Announcing Sixxers Super Site's 2nd Annual Memorial Day Weekend Sale

May's end always yields to American's paying tribute to our fallen men and women of the military. In memory of those who fought for our country's freedoms with strength, pride and valor, our fabulous student store will be host to another weekend of incredible savings.

Sixxer thinks of Memorial Day drives home the importance of friends and family. Historically, Memorial Day is one that we celebrate the great relationships we find in life. Many Students will find themselves around backyard BBQ's chock full of laughter and fun conversations. The shiny yellow school bus will be encouraging students to nurture relationships by giving great Memorial Day specials that remind them to slow down in life and put what's most important into perspective. Sixxer wishes each of you a safe and memorable Memorial Day, and this upcoming weekend a sale which hopes to see students take advantage of the many fine bargains that our infamous shiny yellow school bus is consistently guiding them towards. After all, with life being so precious and fragile, you'll never know when that memory really has to count. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks

Friday, May 20, 2011

The best time to shop

Summertime deals are on the horizon all over the web. Speaking of things that are hot, we will turn students heads over to the an interesting blog with stunning photos of the planet Mars.

Also in the works at Sixxer's Super Site, we will be toiling with the idea during the next meeting to recognize what students would like to see them prepared with in summer school. The shiny yellow school bus will be taking your on a journey to the red planet with a very interesting blog that was discovered when we were fumbling with the word student on one of the search engines. The photography is spectacular and we think you'll enjoy this little look-see. So ride the shiny yellow school bus on over there and get ready ring in the summer with a bang. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The end of the world as we know it?

Well students, in case you haven't heard the rumor, according to retired civil engineer Harold Camping,

on May 21, 2011, a world ending apocalypse will begin on Friday about 11 pm. This has been moved forward of the previous prediction 6 pm PST Saturday. Camping's claim "...The Rapture is at 6 p.m. on May 21, 2011, where ever it's 6 p.m. first, with the "fantastically big" world-ending event taking place on a time zone by time zone basis. His belief is that the world ending event will commence 6 p.m. at the International Dateline at 180 Longitude -- roughly the between Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Nuku'alofa, Tonga beginning with an earthquake of previously unprecedented magnitude.
As prepared students, earthquake preparedness is part of the arsenal. When we asked Bus driver Bob what his take on Armageddon was, his response was, "I'm not losing any sleep over it." The entire student store cracked up over that response. Bus driver Bob is such a jovial fella and that, out in left field, remark had the staff and wandering ears in stitches as it put a certain calmness to those nay-sayers that are convinced that Mr. Camping is correct. The shiny yellow school bus will get students over to an item in the store that is essential in the event of emergencies. Sixxer will stand with the status-quo and go with the belief that Mr. Camping is off his rocker with the prediction. The shiny yellow school bus will have more opportunities to get students prepared for the event of an emergency should the big one not hit. Well either way this goes down, Sixxer thanks (thanked) you for all of your wonderful clicks! = )

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bus Driver Bob Turns a New Corner

Can you believe it students? It's been a year already since Bus Driver Bob has steered our shiny yellow school bus to savings for our super students. And what a year it has been. When it comes to getting students equipped and in the moment in the classroom, not many do that better than this winning combination. The shiny yellow school bus today will guide our super students over to yet another new product that we host here on the site that is sure to encourage students to step up their game at the chalkboard. So as we celebrate Bus Driver Bob on his anniversary day, we will knock off 5 greenbacks this week for the product. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of you wonderful clicks.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Prom Season Again

Our senior students are experiencing the Prom experience. The tuxedos and dresses found in the scenery are so eye catching and ahead of their time that students are shining like brand new dimes.
The student body in general, while looking so good are also prepared because they have winning attitudes when it comes to sporting corsages and cumber buns to the big event. At Sixxer's Super Site we know that special day involves getting every last detail right. The shiny yellow school bus is cruising super students over to a brand new product today to enhance the flow of their student arsenals. Bus driver Bob says this purchasing opportunity for one is sure to be the talk of the campuses throughout the nation. Alright super students the shiny yellow school busmust arrive to campus by the bell so are you ready to attend school and then the prom at weeks end? Please sign up for or Sixxer's students forum and submit your prom pictures. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks = )

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Sale

Sixxer wishes to wish all the Mom's out there a very
[̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅p̲̅][̲̅p̲̅][̲̅y̲̅] [̲̅m̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅t̲̅][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅e̲̅][̲̅r̲̅]'[̲̅s̲̅] [̲̅d̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅y̲̅]. To celebrate correctly, Sixxer's Super Site will pamper our wonderful mothers out there with a Mother's Day sale. On select merchandise today, enjoy 20% savings. Discounts are found on all pages and the shiny yellow school bus will be taking mom's over to the area where they are sure to enjoy their special day in style. Bus drive Bob treated his mom to one and say's she shined like a new dime. The shiny yellow school bus aims to please and has a proven track record to do so. Happy Mother's Day. Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Monday, May 2, 2011

US Navy Seals -- Shot and killed the most wanted terrorist yesterday!

Since 9-11, Americans have been adamant about catching the man responsible for the terrorist attacks on our soil. Yesterday it was announced that the mission is finally accomplished. He has been the most wanted man in the world and now that he has now met his maker, American's can pick up the pieces and promote peace throughout the planet. Killing is not what this has been all about. Live and let live is more of the message. In this case it was thousands of eyes for one set of eyes. The World Trade Centers in New York, were amongst the world's most majestic buildings towering some 110-stories above the earth, along with the pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, America watched in horror as the four planes went down. They were absolute gems, and now the man responsible for their demise, has fallen as they have. The shiny yellow school bus this week will have a red ribbon that claims "We shall never forget" on it's exterior and guide students to a home security product that will keep prepared students safe and well. Actually both sides of the shiny yellow school bus and the back will have the ribbon so our patriotism here at the web's favorite student store shines through. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day, May Day, May Day!!!

Although it is customary for the radio call to be vocalized three times in the event of the destruction of life or vessel or both being eminent, it is also recognized as the first day of May every year. It derives from the French term venez m'aider, meaning "come help me." Dual meanings, that's what we like at the web's favorite student store. For Sixx is similar, in that it's spelled different, only when you hear it for yourself it's a name and a number. Brings to mind a conundrum that we like. Goes like this...What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? On sells watches, the other watches cells. Clever eh? The shiny yellow school bus will be now guiding students to that item in the store that they can prepare themselves with when the actual occasion arrive when a May Day distress call is necessary. If you were to ever take a ride on our shiny yellow school bus you would surely notice that it is equipped with one in case of an emergency. That's in addition to it's other useful qualities. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How about that Royal Wedding Students?

So super students, did all of you witness the brand new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge tie the proverbial knot? That was such a fascinating affair. With such high-brow names such as Sir Elton John, David & Victoria Beckham, Joss Stone, Rowan Atkinson (A.K.A. Mr. Bean), and Madonna's Ex Guy Ritchie, amongst many others witnessed firsthand what it is to be proclaimed a royal couple. Oh and what about the cars we saw. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge driving an Aston Martin DB6 MKII with a special kind of blue similar to Dodger Blue, Seychelles blue. This particular Aston Martin was converted to run on E85 bio ethanol, made from the waste of English wine. Our shiny yellow school bus would have been a bit out of place in that setting. But perhaps since our bus at this point is fictional as is our favorite bus driver Bob we think we will take example from the earth conscious owners and have our bus utilize the same fuel for its progression. How very green! A very cool eye opening example of the royal family's conscience of a healthy well cared for planet. Gosh wouldn't it be great if all the streets in London would be emulated worldwide. Where potholes were a thing of the past and not to mention the glorious landscape found in England. So tidy, nice and refreshing to look at those castles and churches and bridges and all. London you are a great example of cleanliness and order and we thank you for introducing this joyous occasion to the rest of the world. It was as if the whole world was forwarded a refreshing new start. We sit here and ponder what it would have been like to witness this day first hand from the windows of the shiny yellow school bus.
As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Sunday Sale

Yes students it's that time again. Sixxer's Super Site will be amongst the millions of web pages out there hosting an annual Easter Sunday sale. Where your favorite student store will differ from theirs' however, is in the mix, Sixxer decided to include a unique Sixxer's Super Site refrigerator magnet with your order. These magnets are so strong that they stick on the side of the shiny yellow school bus and could strongly cling to your vehicle or the metal object of your desire. We always enjoy hosting sales here at the web's favorite student store, as it brings students the products they deserve discounted to move. The shiny yellow school bus will be parked outside the Easter Egg hunt bringing our young students joy as they find the missing dyed hard boiled eggs strategically planted on campus near the Student Store. Sixxer wishes you all a very Happy Easter and encourages your wonderful clicks to savings. We appreciate your patronage here at the Webs favorite student store.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day Approaching

Thinking Green is what super students do best! Saturday is the date that recognizes the planet, and we planet dwellers really need to pay homage to the blue marble by keeping with the pledge to curb the greenhouse gas emissions that we spew out into it's atmosphere on a daily basis. All of the data that is being collected from scientists claim the desperate need for humankind to be more environmentally responsible. The shiny yellow school bus and it's green motor parts will be guiding super students over to one of our greenest products. Bus driver Bob and the shiny yellow school bus likes them too because they assist with navigation in the wee hours of the morning. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get your taxes in students

Remember tomorrow is the day when Uncle Sam is knockin' at your door. Be sure to get all those hard earned samolians accounted for so the red white and blue can march on. As super students, being patriotic is an inherent trait that is not only admirable but also looks good to bus driver Bob and the shiny yellow school bus. We like it when our student store can encourage you all to be prepared also in the accounting department. Today the shiny yellow school bus will direct students to our coolest calculator tote to help when those numbers start flying at you from every direction and it is your gig to get that all sorted out. Yes students these products not only have you prepared for the classroom but also when it comes to preparing your taxes and spelling shell oil upside down, these products are the one's to get the job done. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sixxer's Celebrity Encounter!!!

Well well super students more exciting news on the home-front, the one and only Nikki Sixx, bass player for the band Mötley Crüe, and he who is ultimately responsible for our owners namesake, happened by the Sixxer's neighborhood today and happened to personally autograph Sixxer's copy of This Is Gonna Hurt, Nikki's latest project. The book was purchased from our good friends at Barnes & Noble, and meeting his childhood idol was a pretty huge deal. This was actually his second encounter having Nikki signing his memoirs for our founder, and today like last time, there is no actual photo proof to surface. Nikki Sixx looked fantastic and his band's tune, Saints of Los Angeles, speaks volumes his way since he is native to these parts. The shiny yellow school bus will take you over to Barnes & Nobel where you will be able to pick up a copy of the book yourself. Mötley Crüe is due to hit the road this summer, and Sixxer says it was surreal to see his awesome tattoos up close and personal. Bus driver Bob is stoked also because with the boss gone, the shiny yellow school bus was parked and he got the breather he was looking for. As always Sixxer and his hard working staff thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks! = )

Saturday, April 9, 2011

All Right Students. Progress to Report!

So fan of the webs favorite student store. We are happy to report that ezines has approved another of Sixxer's articles. The writings this time speak of effective marketing and techniques that will assist in getting your product to the populace. When you need to put a foot forward in getting the sales numbers up you would steered in a direction of that accomplishment with these words of wisdom in your reading. The newest article brings a family favorite cartoon to the surface and captures a subject of poignant interest. The shiny yellow school bus will be guiding you to the newest publication and would appreciate it if you got over there to Sixxer's Students and tell us what you think of the article. The shiny yellow school bus always takes students on interesting journey's and this one is no different. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Hard News is Still Comming

So wow a second earthquake for Japan. How much more can that country stand? Our government is speaking of closing down, mass graves are found in Mexico and a school shooting in Brazil. Wow starting to seem a bit evil out there. Students make the difference. When there is study and action in the learning communities throughout the world, solutions to problems get solved and/or put under the microscope so-to-speak and the planet benefits. Being a student is highly respected especially here at the web's favorite student store. The shiny yellow school bus is going to be reminding you awesome super students of our Sixxer's Student page that encourages your participation. Please get involved and write your interests and concerns of current events. After the shelving is stocked here at Sixxer's Super Site we intend on rewarding contributions to the student forum with prizes, deals and discounts. Be sure to join the shiny yellow school bus on it's travels and let us know why it is that you too are a super student. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Monday, April 4, 2011

National Tell A Lie Day!

For today is the day when you get to lie and by universal standards it is pardoned. So little white lie your way, to get your way today, and use it to the best of it's ability because it will be a whole 365 before you get to again. Also on the 30th you will have to come clean on National Honesty Day and be honest with yourself and others. The shiny yellow school bus will be taking you today to the newest newsletter at the web's favorite student store and we will claim it was available on the 1st of the month but keeping true to the date that is a falsehood as we were a bit tardy with it's publication. And since the newsletter was late to arrive on the site Bus driver Bob figures we should make it up to you, our fabulous super students, by throwing an Easter Sunday Sale. That's right students the shiny yellow school bus will bring you to selected favorite preparedness items which shall be marked down 20%, so you can "STEAL" your way to having that certain something having you prepared and in the moment in the classroom. You have several hours left to be dishonest, so you little devils have at it. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Things to look forward to this month

So here we are just at the beginning of a fine spring season and there are seemingly a lot to look forward to here. Opening day for the MLB, Spring Break, National tell a lie day, Good Friday, Tax Day, Earth Day, Easter Sunday and National Honesty Day all occur this month and love and Spring is in the air to boot. So what is it that is on your agenda students? Bus driver Bob and the shiny yellow school bus are cruising around town, hipping students to some of the newest products available at the web's favorite student store. Also we have folks in Japan needing all the assistance they could muster. So super students let's make April a good one. Join the shiny yellow school bus over to our Sixxer's Students page and be sure to sign up for super student activities and fun. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fool's

LOL hopefully the gags and pranks didn't go too far for you students yesterday. There was a doozie played on me I would like to speak about. Yesterday, when it was all seemingly business as usual, I said “Hello” to my bank teller and interjected "happy April fool’s day!" to which she replied "oh yeah, so it is." Then she gave me this almost morbid look and asked "Did you know this account is closed?" I was all "Aargh; what?" Oh my goodness. I'm well aware that my personal checking account is always balanced and well nurtured as all of our super students’ personal accounts are. My overwhelming thoughts of , was I was the victim of fraud? Or was the bank was held up? Or, the million other possible explanations entered my head all at once. I had the biggest anxiety attack. The teller stared blankly at the screen for about a minute and a half, before "April Fools!" practically had me fainting right there in my branch. OMG students, I've seen show's on TV before where someone was at the brunt of a prank, but this time it was yours truly, and It was such a good one that I found that teller to be a perfect example of what it means to be prepared and in the moment. The shiny yellow school bus shall guide our students this time over to an item in the store that will surely have you on the lookout for pranksters and wrongdoing. Being prepared is always a good ingredient to anticipating the next move of opposing forces out there so you are on the balls of your feet ready to counter. The shiny yellow school bus is known for the vehicle guiding students toward success and today's cruise is no exception. Thanks again students for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wow what a fantastic Surprise!

OMG students, faculty and my beloved staff here at Sixxer's Super Site.

The warmth and popularity I experienced yesterday was so moving. Birthday's are always special and with the right planning as "Sixxer's Super Staff" put behind this little shindig they threw me, the fun just kept on coming. Had a blast you guys! Okay, so you may have noticed that the ball is rolling now. The shiny yellow school bus is now popping students over to more and more variety. The truckloads of supplies has finally arrived for the store and Sixxer's Super Site will be bringing great bargains your way to have you prepared and in the moment in the classroom. Bus driver Bob is doing a bang up job navigating the shiny yellow school bus around getting students to the Web's favorite student store and we are thrilled at this up and up momentum that seems to be finding it's way into our humble little business. Could this be the beginning of another empire? Hmmmmm we hope so because that will mean that there are additional prepared students in the nation and perhaps a fleet of shiny yellow school busses will bring prepared students in by the dozens. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Sixxer

The staff here at Sixxer's Super Site

wishes to endorse a very Happy Birthday to our founder Mr. Sixx. Bus driver Bob and the shiny yellow school bus hauled a Chinese shrimp dinner and a huge cake to the office today and welcomed Sixxer's fourty-sixx-th in style. The students ducked behind the shelving here, and Sixxer's surprise party went off without a hitch. Sixxer is a hard working boss and he dedicates countless hours on bringing students what it is that they need to be prepared and in the moment in the classroom. So today was all about celebrating our founder and all of the good work that get's accomplished when he's in the office here behind the scenes. So on behalf of the staff, bus driver Bob, the shiny yellow school bus and countless students throughout the nation we want to take this opportunity to wish this and many future birthdays, to be very happy ones and would like to add that your clicks too are rather wonderful. Thanks boss--from your happy hard working staff @ Sixxer's Super Site; The Web's Favorite Student Store = )

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What A Fantastic Week We Just Witnessed!

Shamrocks (4-leaf clovers), Irish luck, leprechauns, pot o gold, rainbow chasing and drinking were all in bloom this week. And last night we got to see a bright and shiny full moon as it was it's closest proximity to Earth in 20 years. What an eventful March this is shaping up to be. We are not sure if you've stumbled upon the new products added to the site lately but we are now on point to have the shelving stocked. The shiny yellow school bus will now guide you to the newest Sixxer's Super Site products and will encourage our super students to give the new stuff the once over. Also we encourage all of our student body to assist in letting us know what product it is that you feel will have you super and in the moment at your school. So as the shiny yellow school bus and bus driver Bob get students to the new stuff be sure you sign up to be a super student at Sixxer's Super Students and get your product requests in. We enjoy it when our student body participates and get's that student voice front and center in the classroom. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Upgrade For The Shiny Yellow School Bus

Be sure to catch Sixxer's writings on The shiny yellow school bus has been upgraded with the Barnes n Noble Color Nook to include these articles for our traveling students. Bus driver Bob likes the improvement, because he wasn't taking too well to paper airplanes being thrown at the back of his head or unruly students while driving. Now, super students seem to be preoccupied with reading their favorite books or ezine articles. The shiny yellow school bus is not as rowdy these days and the discussions around the campus has gotten much more interesting. Way to go students. Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What a Terrible Tragedy

This weekend we heard of devastating news that cities in Japan has been reduced to ruins. Our hearts go out to the victims. The shiny yellow school bus will be guiding students to a site where they will be able to send aid to those afflicted. Sixxer hopes their damaged nuclear reactor gets contained without incident. Radiation is so dangerous and alternative energy sources must be implemented on this planet to alleviate the possibility of these nuclear reactor travesties is the vantage point of this student store employee. The shiny yellow school bus

is going to always promote the green way of life and will continue it's good will, well into the future. Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks. Also if you are able to assist, please help those in need.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's that time again...

"Which time is that? you ask". Well that time when we get to spring our clocks forward and lose an hour of precious sleep. Our hearts go out to our friends to the west who just experienced a devastating earthquake. Here in Los Angeles, we are no stranger to the shaking, then aftermath of a huge shaker so today the shiny yellow school bus will guide our student body over to a very necessary earthquake emergency item that is sure to become necessary in such a tragedy. Our students are known for being prepared and in the moment, even if that moment involves fault lines and Richter scales. The shiny yellow school bus will make its way over to this emergency item in the hopes that you make Sixxer's Super Site your one stop shop for safety and emergent supplies. Okay to sum it up students, Clocks forward, safety first. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday & the Beginning of Lent

For our Christian students, today marks the first day of Lent which traditionally is known as the day where an ash cross is placed on the forehead of parishioners. This holy day marks the beginning 40 days leading to Easter without including Sundays. Fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline takes place during this period. During the 6 weeks, those preceding Palm Sunday, religious awareness continues all the way through to the Holy Week of Easter. Sixxer's Super Site would like to invite students of all faiths and beliefs to enjoy our student resources and would encourage your input. Our shiny yellow school bus, will be leading students to Sixxer's Students and would enjoy your enrollment (if you are not already), and your stories of how your belief system works and works out for you. The shiny yellow school bus can handle plenty of students so don't worry if you have missed the bus this time. It keeps coming around again and again to accommodate super students. Once again Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Which Students Out There Haven't Created a Blog Yet?

So hey students we enjoy letting the world know what we are up to here at Sixxer's Super Site. Here on we get to yada yada our super students til they are blue in the face! We like it when we get to tell students of the tales of bus driver Bob and the shiny yellow school bus. There are plenty of other forums to create blogs on the web also. We also endorse the site that the shiny yellow school bus will lead you to today. Creating a blog and letting the world know what's new with you or getting out other info like your favorite recipe, or letting the world know your biography or maybe even voicing your opinion of your horoscope reading for the day is a great way to spend time on the internet. As always Sixxer thanks you for your wonderful clicks!

Friday, March 4, 2011

So Here We Are Starting To March

March is one of our favorite homonyms because Sixxer's Super Site also has two meanings. It is a student store that is not only catering to student needs, but also providing for student fun in the process. Our site is moderately fun as we speak, however changes are being made in the back offices to make version 2.1 of the web's favorite student store even better when it comes to student enjoyment. Bus driver Bob is getting the shiny yellow school bus all shined up for the improvements, and we just know the upgrade will be sure to appeal to super students in every grade level, all across the nation. We intend to announce the changes during spring break so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. Mars, the Roman god of war and agricultural guardian, plays a big role in March, and Sixxer's Super Site is proclaiming war on the mediocrity of not only this fabulous student hang out, but also we hear of a lot of mediocrity plaguing our student base. We shall be weeding all that out (agriculture--get it? lol) That is why students, the shiny yellow school bus will be taking students to bigger and better places in the store, and other fascinating destinations in the very near future. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the winner is...

What a fantastic night. Here in Hollywood the flashbulbs were going off, well at least those of the digital age, and Actors and Actresses looked amazing. Ah and what about that stage this year? The Holographic image of Bob Hope this year was quite the walk down memory lane and did you get aload of how amazing Anne Hathaway's voice was. Geez, here in Tinseltown we couldn't be more proud. The shiny yellow school bus had nothing on those stretch limos this special day, but bus driver Bob didn't let that bother him because the festive atmosphere on this brilliant, sun-shiny day made the shiny yellow school bus glow like an Oscar. Millions of student eyeballs adorned their televisions this fine evening and those fortunate to view with the modern HDTV models found the brilliant stage absolutely awe inspiring. The Academy Awards are a special time of year for us Angelino's and we take our special recognition with great appreciation as the Motion Picture Capital of the World. Sixxer thanks you

for all of your wonderful clicks.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whoohoo Oscar Season is here

Okay students so how about this February so far? Action packed right? Well just when you thought it was dying down. Wham!!!, another event to get you all up and about. The Academy Awards. Sixxer is right smack in the middle of the action. Every year for the last "SIXX" or so years, the Maestro has been hanging out on the corner, watching the limos pull up, and snapping pictures of famous celebrities. Don't just take my word for it, take the shiny yellow school bus over to see actual video footage captured by Sixxer's lens yourself from last years Oscar's. Yes students the actors and actresses are out in droves and one of the perks to residing here in LA-LA land is that we get to see the folks of the silver screen up close and personal on this festive of events. Sometimes it can be a drag going on detour for the whole week leading up to the Academy Awards but all the fun and celebrity sightings make it all worth it. So yes join bus driver Bob, and our infamous, shiny yellow school bus will ya, to notice what it's like to be there first hand and kick back and relax as we scope our lovely hostess, Anne Hathaway rock it out and also get the answer to which of these following films nominated will win for best picture...Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception, The Kids Are All Right, The King's Speech, 127 Hours, The Social Network, Toy Story 3, True Grit, Winter's Bone. The staff is all over the place with which are their fav's of the year. The other categories will be exciting also. Super students all across the land are gonna be glued to their sets as Hollywood's elite walk the Red Carpet in absolutely amazing/expensive attire. Hope you enjoy the show super students and as always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sixxer's Super Site 2nd Anual Presidents Day Sale

If you are a veteran super student, you will recall last year around this time, the web's favorite student store hosting Sixxer's Super Site's very first ever President's Day Sale. A sale in which we marked down prices to get that certain preparedness item in your hands. Well it's back students! Announcing our Second Annual President's Day Sale where everything in the store gets a whopping 20% mark-down on select merchandise. The shiny yellow school bus is directing students over to the calendar so they can mark their calendars when to shop. Some preparedness items are in big demand and we must say that the old adage "good while supplies last" will be our mantra for this upcoming Monday. Prices this weekend are so low, that Lincoln & Washington would proclaim the savings incredible. Bus driver Bob is saying that the shiny yellow school bus will look cool sporting the stripes and bright stars this upcoming holiday and looks forward to cruising students to savings. We hope to see you this weekend super students and as always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Resolution contest winner...

Well none to report super students. It seems as if we had no students that participated in the contest, this time around, keep their New Years Resolutions. You know us though super students, we have absolutely no intent on giving up on any of our fabulous super students here at the site, and we feel certain that the next time around, students frequenting the web's favorite student store, will surely put forth more of an effort to be forthright with their resolutions. We most certainly will be hosting the same contest next year and will kick up the incentive a notch or so in the process. The shiny yellow school bus will not leave our very first contest winner golden placard blank showing that students didn't quite make the grade this time around but do stay tuned for what's sure to be many student fun, contests, resources and that certain product that has you in particular, a prepared and in the moment student. Imagine rolling around in the shiny yellow school bus sporting that certain something and turning heads all over the campus. The possibilities are endless here at the site students and do remember that your input and comments are always welcome at the site. Especially those that mention why you too are a super student. As always, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who Will Be Your Valentine?

Long stemmed red roses, candy hearts and chocolates are on the minds of our special someone this weekend, and the surprises will be coming from left and right this St. Valentine's Day. Also on Monday the announcement of the winner to our New Years Resolution Contest as we watch cupid shoot arrows at a lot of students. The shiny yellow school bus will be cruising super students over to one of the coolest items in the store to impress that "significant other" in your lives and our friendly staff will be happy to wrap one up for you and get it to your door post haste. Sixxer likes it when the staff is busy cheering up hearts this time of year and when the staff is busy like this, the shiny yellow school bus and bus driver bob are cruising students to savings and love and spring is the vibe felt in the air. As always super students, Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Final Day to Back Your Resolutions Students

So if you were one of those fab super students that was fortuitous to enter our New Years Resolution Contest, keep in mind tonight at midnight is the deadline on getting your proof in. So super students it seems Sixxer's Superbowl prediction did not wind up on the "I told you so" side of things, however one thing to say is that it was decided by "SIXX" points. Congratulations to all those Cheeseheads who brought the Vince Lombardi Trophy home for the fourth time. The shiny yellow school bus says it had to be that we were looking at the color all wrong on it, as that yellow is closer to cheese than steel. Well bygones. There will always be more tomorrow's for NFL drama. Bus driver Bob pointed out to us that there are 52 days left until our Los Angeles Dodgers take the field against our biggest rival team the San Francisco Giants and the shiny yellow school bus will be there flying the Think Blue flag high and strong. Oh and let's not put by the wayside the pride we feel of our world famous Los Angeles Lakers. That squad is racking up the W's left and right these days. Okay sports fans and super students, remember to get your resolution proofs to us by tonight and we just dig your awesome wonderful clicks here at the web's favorite student store.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday upon us students

Ah this festive Sunday where the beast in all of us just seems to come right out. Right now in Texas, millions of eyes will be focused on the last teams standing and the two teams are so well matched it's really a tough one to call. Being that we made such a fuss over Punxsutawney Phil and Groundhogs day earlier in the week and his big quality is prognosticating the weather, Sixxer feels it to be a bit ironic that their squad is in the big show and will prognosticate himself that the Steelers will win by 7 points. Why seven, well it's a lucky number and luck and winning sometimes goes hand in hand. The shiny yellow school bus will slap a Pittsburgh Steelers bumper sticker on it should this prediction come to pass. So bus driver Bob, Sixxer, the shiny yellow school bus and all of us here at Sixxer's Super Site hopes that all you winning students enjoy the game and encourages your Super Bowl recaps to show up on our blog. A reminder that student input is always welcome here at Sixxer's Bus Stop and if not here you can ride the shiny yellow school bus over to Sixxer's Students (our student hub) where you are encouraged to sign in as a super student and mention your Super Bowl adventures. As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Punxsutawney Phil up close and personal February 2, 2011

Everyone I know enjoys the movie with Bill Murray, Andie Macdowell and the gang, which made us laugh hysterically and had us experiencing all the other emotions too. Groundhog Day Hey students get a load of this gem. In our February newsletter we spoke of Punxsutawney Phil not seeing his shadow. Who would have thought that modern technology would allow for us to see the festivities first hand. The shiny yellow school bus may one year take a cruise accross the nation to have students enjoy the prognosticating proceedings. Check out Punxsutawney Phil up close and personal February 2, 2011. It is such a fascinating tradition and bus driver Bob assures us that the shiny yellow school bus is up to the mileage. Thanks pacast for letting us enjoy what goes on over there on the opposite side of the continent. = )

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The correct New Year's resolution that was nearly broken was...

Yes you guessed it. It was that we nearly forgot to blog here at the site twice for the week. Well we noticed not many guesses came our way, and all the one's received via e-mail was close so no t-shirts were awarded. Perhaps next contest we'll get those out to you students. Thanks to Karen Whittington for guessing via email that we nearly broke the resolution of exercise for the New Year. The shiny yellow school bus would like to remind everyone that the New Years resolution contest will be going on for yet one more day. So hopefully all you procrastinators will get it into gear and resolve to ride the shiny yellow school bus to where you do your best thinking of New Year's resolutions and get those in by midnight. We once again will be awarding the one who makes and keep them with a hat, bumper sticker and t-shirt, also known as Sixxer's super gear. We wish everyone good luck and we thank you for all of your wonderful clicks.