Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jack Frost Nipping At Your Noses Students?

Yes it's a bit nippy outside lately that's for sure.  So now that the indoor areas are where students tend to be dwelling, we are realizing an increase in student visitors to the web's favorite student store.  The shiny yellow school bus is trickling in the students a few at a time, but with the nice warm interior, the walk-in’s are getting here as well.  So, all this attention is noticed in our last month of our first year in business.  Wow, it's such a thrill to be a host to prepared students online.  On our super students page we brought up the topic of New Year’s Resolutions and what is it that prepared students are going to do to keep them this year?  We would really enjoy "your" take on that. So, if you've got a few, ride, if you will, the shiny yellow school bus over to our super student’s forum, and let us know all about your 2011 resolutions. It would be helpful if you were to also clue us in on how we as innocent bystanders could creatively monitor that you are keeping your resolution.  If you are not already a member, be sure to sign up, as it is free to do so.  And as for your New Years' resolutions, we will be selecting the very best one, but that's including those resolutions "kept!" Then on Valentines Day, for our very first Valentine's Day contest, we will disclose the winner and reward them with a student preparedness gift.  With enough participation in the contest, preparedness prizes will be forwarded in more and more future contests and these details are to be announced soon.  So stay tuned.  As always Sixxer thanks you for all of your wonderful clicks.

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