Friday, April 30, 2010

An issue with ordering

Well just starting out every website has usually a hiccup or two. Here at Sixxer's Super Site, despite our best efforts, ran into a temporary issue. The staff today just realized with a mock order, that only paypal orders were going through. It's a small chink in the armour, but be assured that we are working feverishly to correct the problem so the wheels on the bus can once again go round and round. Again we are very prideful of our students here at the site and we thank you for your visit.--Sixxer

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sixxer's Super Site Welcomes Ya!!!

Okay, so here we are up and running at Sixxer's Super Site and we couldn't be more excited about our new audience. If you are new here welcome. If you have site suggestions or if there is a hard to find student product you have in mind that you would like to see hosted, by all means be sure to let us know. We love to please students here at the site and would love to hear your student stories. Thanks for your visit today and be sure to keep Sixxer's Super Site in mind for all your Back to School needs.